Maintenance and Care of Facial Tissue Box Packing Machine

Author:IMAKO Tissue MachineFROM:Toilet Paper Machine Manufacturer TIME:2023-10-13

Maintenance and Care of Facial Tissue Box Packing Machine


tissue packing machine

The facial tissue box packing machine plays a crucial role in the manufacturing process of facial tissue products. It efficiently packs tissues into boxes, ensuring their proper storage and convenient use. To ensure smooth operations and maximize the lifespan of the machine, regular maintenance and care are essential. In this article, we will discuss the key aspects of maintaining and caring for a facial tissue box packing machine.

1. Cleaning and Lubrication

tissue packing machine

Regular cleaning and lubrication are vital for the optimal performance of a facial tissue box packing machine. Dust, debris, and adhesive residues may accumulate over time, leading to disruptions in the packaging process. It is recommended to clean the machine at the end of each production day or as needed. Use a soft cloth or brush to remove dust particles from the machine's surfaces. Pay close attention to the feeding system, folding unit, and cutting knives, ensuring they are free from any obstructions or build-up.

Lubrication is equally important to minimize friction and maintain smooth operations. Follow the manufacturer's guidelines to identify the appropriate lubricants and lubrication points. Apply lubricants regularly, avoiding excessive amounts that may attract dirt or cause dripping. Remember to clean off any excess lubricant to prevent it from accumulating on the machine's components.

2. Inspection and Maintenance Checkpoints

tissue packing machine

Regular inspection and maintenance are necessary to identify potential issues and address them promptly. Establish a checklist that includes key components such as belts, motors, sensors, and electrical connections. Inspect these areas regularly and look for signs of wear, damage, or misalignment. Replace any damaged or worn parts with genuine replacements provided by the manufacturer.

Additionally, pay attention to the machine's calibration and adjustment requirements. Ensure that the packaging dimensions and settings are correctly configured to avoid issues such as misaligned folding or over packing. Keep a record of calibration dates and make adjustments as needed to maintain optimal performance.

3. Staff Training and Safety Measures

Proper staff training is crucial for the overall maintenance and care of a facial tissue box packing machine. Train the operators on the correct usage and handling of the machine. Emphasize the importance of adhering to safety protocols and guidelines to prevent accidents or damage to the machine.

Encourage the operators to report any abnormalities or concerns they encounter while using the machine. Promptly address these reports and take appropriate action to prevent potential breakdowns or failures. Regularly provide refresher training sessions to ensure operators stay up-to-date with best practices and safety measures.


Maintaining and caring for a facial tissue box packing machine is essential to ensure its efficient operation and prolonged lifespan. Regular cleaning, lubrication, inspection, and maintenance are key aspects to focus on. By following these guidelines and providing proper staff training, manufacturers can maximize the machine's performance, reduce downtime, and deliver high-quality facial tissue products to the market.

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